Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Is he stupid?

I thought he was a friend of mine. I know he has a girlfriend & I think he thinks I'm into him.
Can "straight guy" & "gay guy" coexist? Or am I the only one who communicates.
Not even trying anymore. Does he think he's the shit? Or what? I just thought he was a friend & he obviously wants me out of his life. What am I to him? An annoyance? A gay guy who wants him.
Granted, I'd fuck his brains out if circumstances were different. I have to admit that haha.
Circumstances aren't different. He's into women. I'm into gay men (Those labels are a whole other topic!!). That's how it is & it's never on my mind anymore. Don't you have friends like that too - hot & very unavailable for whatever reason, so it's never really crossing your mind anymore?
When I first met him & it wasn't clear - I did want him. But you can't want everyone!
& now he avoids me cos he thinks I want him!
What is wrong with him?
It's not me.
We ARE adults right? But I'm the one blogging about it..
I'm tempted to control his mind for just an instant & make him write "TEXT AIMERY BACK" all over his own body, interspersed with little "HE'S YOUR FRIEND"s.
Oh, people.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Glitter pink love

I'm covered in glitter after gogoing last night.
My bed has never been this dazzling. I didn't wash it off before sleeping. I passed out & dreamed I lived a life behind a veil when it was new in my part of the world, & then another dream where I destroyed the Queen of the Witches & therefore took all her power. All my senses perceived every cell. & to think I had only travelled there to meet with a man named Denny who had some sort of knowledge for me.
I already forgot the details but it was a fun ride. Dreams.
Another dream, but waking, was the man last night. I know his name but won't say it here. A friend of a friend & I'd met him before. His body is extreme. Not gross steroid buff - just toned & strong. His stomach.. he came to me & I jumped off the box. He hugged me. He kissed me. He shouted things in my ear over the loud music. We danced. 
I wanted him then & after the event, but he'd disappeared during my last set.
Of course I forgot the real reason I was there: to scope out info on this new company for a friend - someone's competition in the business world. It's not my thing but conveniently I was told a few people would be there. I'm usually observant but with all these people, it would have taken a psychic to read any of them. Especially when I was working as a dancer for the whole time. Mission not accomplished.
I have sweaty pink gogo shorts that will start smelling in a day or two. Laundry time.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


We're surrounded by porn.
Distractions, right? Beyond unnecessary.
I plug my ears every few minutes on the subway.
Grand Central & Borough Hall are squeaky & whiny when the trains move in & out. They're always moving at Grand Central.
Magazines on display & on sale at the "news" stand. Mags about celebrities & strangers with money. So we can think we know these people. To give us something to talk about. To fill "unused space" with photos of video chicks & colorful candy (read, damage) for the brain.
Who pays for that shit? If you want to, you can read it online & save the paper. But why would you give your attention to that?? I can't understand it.

Create something.
I'm still wrapping my head around my capabilities. Why do people not want to know their potential? What is potential anymore?
It's porn.


He looks at me from the subway door as if I know him.
I just got off the train & am walking to the exit when he did this.
He gives a nod of the head - downward in familiarity, not upward - & I smile back. He's not ugly but I wouldn't think of him that way. Just not sure why he nodded at me like that.
I don't want to be paranoid about it.
It's not like I'm wearing something that might tie me to a religion or anything. No skirt, just shorts from the gym. Backpack. Maybe he liked my moccasins?
I look downward & keep walking, smiling once more as the doors close & he stands looking outwards from the train.
Why do I feel like it was something deeper than a casual nod? I don't think he wanted to hook up. He was just saying hi to a kindred spirit.
Maybe he'll turn up again, but it seems so far in this city, I've never seen someone in the street twice.


Michelle is allergic to almonds & avoids gluten.
This is recent.
Around the same time her allergies to melons ceased.
She's a goofy lady.
No one calls her Shelly or Shell. With this Michelle, that would be as strange as calling a Matthew "Hew". No one even considers it.
Michelle can fly too, like me.
I met her a while ago when I moved here. This isn't her real name, just like I think I haven't given mine. She's another aware being.
What's making us like this? How do we continue to activate our DNA? Is it the food - mainly hearty raw vegetables & fruits - that's doing it? Are we "mutants" like the Xmen?
We call ourselves the Tribe of Love.
I just saw her today after a few weeks of mutual missed calls. Her dreds are another two inches longer, I swear. She's beautiful & earthy.
We've only talked a little bit about flying. I feel like we should fly to South America. Just to see if we'll last. I know we could. I feel like she's safer than I am. More cautious.
She comes from a religious family. She has a girlfriend of a little over a year & they're not cool with that. I think she believes in a deity. Not sure, but I know her girlfriend does & Michelle gets paid to sing in church every Sunday. We don't talk about that much. Not that its awkward; it just never comes up.
I don't want to say too much about her but it's awesome that I've met another like me.
How many more are there? Is there a limit? Is it like sexuality / gender & in our cells?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tiwanaku was a port city & could be 15,000 years old

I'm on fire with need, to know the mysteries. What is at the bottom of the ocean? Under all the ice of Antarctica? I know I may not be able to learn it all - who would?? - as there is no way to know everything that has happened on this planet. So much. Overwhelming. We are not the first.
Do I go to GMC?
Here is hoping for something. I really should visit.
I can turn this passion into something. Transform. So many possibilities.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

random tweets

that must have been something filming. #guyflieshighNY

@zippadeedildo what was he holding??

Left sbuxx on joralemon, i turn to see someone zip thru the sky. blu skirt. any1 else c this?

someone just flew thru sky. by boro hall. feel like im n a movie.

someone flew? or.. stunt doubles are rehearsing. come on now! #practicingforspiderman

did you hear what the guy was screaming about a dog? @peta @humanesociety

But can he fly?

He is scolding his puppy too harshly.
I'm on the subway homeward, & this man has a puppy. He keeps saying "SIT!" & "motherfucker" mumbled with who knows what else, disappointed & angry. It's so difficult for this little puppy to sit on the moving train. It's so little & terrified & the man has scolded him so many times, the other passengers have tuned it out. The woman standing next to me watches with sorrow & anger in her eyes, just as I do. Gaze intent on the man & his puppy, I imagine we're both wondering if the situation will escalate & debating getting involved.
"Sit motherfucking.. if you don't SIT..."
I close my eyes, thinking that it's not my battle. It's not a battle. A wolf is eating a rabbit somewhere right now. A few lioness are preparing to pounce on gazelles from tall grasses. What is this puppy in a train & what is this man?
"Siiiit!" the man threatens again.
I open my eyes. I want to tell him to nurture the puppy. Use compassion. What's so bad about the tiny thing not sitting? Pet the puppy, don't hit it for no reason. Does he have an idea of what he's doing?
He swats the dog twice; not softly. The little thing is all frantic & skittering. I move towards him.
Brakes whine & the train slows as we come to the stop. The train doors open. In an instant I've ripped the leash from his hand & scooped up the dog in my arms. It doesn't bite me or lash out. I pet its head.
I run. He shouts after me, pursuing. He is so angry. Calling me a faggot because of my skirt.
"Stop!! He has my dog!"
I'm faster & it sounds like he's in pain. Is this sudden pity for him or outrage at myself for moving so brashly? Technically I'm stealing. He has the right to be angry. I'm acting without thinking. What am I going to do with this dog?
'Rescue it' I know. That man does not need to take out his problems on another being.
I dash up the stairs. He's surprisingly fast, for his age & the wincing, following me up the stairs. Not gaining, but keeping pace.
I burst through the turnstile & hear it turn behind me, people watching from all around us as he hollers. Someone moves in to stop me but they're not fast or confident enough.
I run up the final stairway to the street, & he's just as close as he was before.
He's quite a runner.
But he can't fly.

I lift off the ground when the ceiling disappears. "What the .. FUCK!" I hear behind me. I thought I'd feel like Moses, parting the Red Sea, but no one in front of me really moves, their backs all facing me. Then I fly higher. Faster.
I blast upwards out of the Municipal building, shouts & "whoa!"s all over the place. I miss this wind on my face. I have the puppy clutched to my chest, gently keeping its head inside my sweater. I can see people take out their phones but doubt they're fast enough to record anything. I've already flown around another building, another block, and another corner. It's like I'm heading home, but I don't know what to do. What I've just done. What legal trouble I'm in. I'm just heading home out of unthinking habit.
This is the lightest sky I've flown in. I've done it when it's really early in the morning & when I'm done dancing. That's when the darkness helps. Right now, however, it must be a little after 5pm.
Should I give the dog to some kid on the street holding their mom's hand? Or take it home? I can't have a pet..
Are those sirens for me?

Monday, June 11, 2012

this blog

I'm trying to write every day. I don't know if it'll be good or bad but it's what's going to come out of me.
Stories to tell.